Top Ten Tuesday: Unread Books on My Shelf

Because I don’t buy many books, I’ve got hardly any on my shelves at home.  Actually, I don’t even have shelves.  But here are a few books that are in my house which I haven’t read yet.
1. Born on a Blue Day: Inside the Extraordinary Mind of an Autistic Savant by Daniel Tammet: I’m saving this one for when I don’t have any library books to read.  Until then, I read those because they have to be returned and I can read this one anytime.
2. The Voice of Knowledge: A Practical Guide to Inner Peace by Miguel Ruiz: It’s partially read, I just haven’t had time to finish it and now it’s been so long that I don’t remember what I read.
3. The Fifth Agreement by Miguel Ruiz: A Practical Guide to Self-Mastery by Miguel Ruiz: This book has some new elements, but the first half is just a repeat of The Four Agreements, so it kind of seems like a waste of time to read the whole thing, hence it’s status as “unread.”  Maybe I’ll browse through it as some point, but it will probably never be completely finished.
4. Maus I: My Father Bleeds History by Art Spiegelman: I really want to read Maus because everyone has told me how good it is.  I haven’t picked it up because it’s only the first part (I want to read it all at once) and it’s falling apart with pages coming out and I don’t want to abuse it further by reading it.

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