Review: Amy Foster

Amy Foster by Joseph Conrad

Amy Foster by Joseph Conrad (1901)
28 pages on Kindle
Main Characters: Yanko Goorall, Amy Foster
Plot Synopsis: A young man from a shipwrecked boat washes ashore in England but is treated as an outcast.
Setting: England

I got this book free on Kindle and decided to read it after I saw the film adaptation called Swept From the Sea which is also pictured above because there was no cover for this because it’s a short story.

I enjoyed reading it and, being only 28 pages, it was a quick read.  For fans of the film though, this book is not the same.  The film doesn’t exactly have a happy ending but the fact that Yanko and Amy had such a strong relationship and understanding of one another seemed to be one positive aspect of the story.  In the book though, you don’t get the feeling that they really bonded and instead ended up together because they were both outcasts.

Overall it’s an important book to read because it reminds us to see things from other people’s perspective and keep an open mind, especially when it comes to people who are different from us.  Reading about how Yanko was treated just because he was an outsider was simply heartbreaking.

My Rating: ★★★☆☆

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